Mic Drop Podcast.

Speak Your Truth, Leave Your Mark

Hear from the world’s top thought leaders and experts, sharing tipping point moments, strategies, and approaches that led to their speaking career success. Throughout each episode, host Josh Linkner, #1 Innovation keynote speaker in the world, deconstructs guests’ Mic Drop moments and provides tactical tools and takeaways that can be applied to any speaking business, no matter it’s starting point.

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The Mic Drop Experience.

Enjoy Proven Business Strategies Shared by Mic Drop Guests

Practical & Actionable

Discover mindset shifts and proven business building approaches to take your game up a notch or three.

Standing O’ Worthy

Highly produced, edited, and refined to make the most of the listener’s time.

Unique & Compelling

Has the entertainment value of a good movie and the substance and depth of a good book.

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